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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
That Night

Just not long ago, about four moons ago, there was a night. That night, I was unable to get to sleep. I tossed and I turned, nothing seems to help me to get to sleep. I could hear my own breathing and my heart thumping, my mind wants to sleep but yet my body doesn’t. Slowly, hours past, the moon has risen so high, yet I’m still in my bed, tired but unable to sleep. I finally put the thought of sleeping off my head; I got off the bed, got dressed and stepped quietly out of my room. I set off quietly to the stable, strapped Thunder and led him to the gate. I bribed the warden guarding the gate to keep my disappearance silent, mounted Thunder and set out into the night leaving the castle lighted with faint torch behind me.

After what seems to be hours, I came to a village, as I got closer, the louder the sound of laughter of men entered my ears. Due to curiosity, I got off Thunder, led him by hand and entered the village filled with life through the wooden gates. The laughter seems to come from an Inn; it was filled with men that are drinking and engrossed in deep conversations. I led Thunder to the Inn’s Stable, tipped the man in charge and stepped into the Inn. I got myself a mug of wine, and walked towards the crowd that seems to be having the most exciting conversation. A young chap is half way true sharing that all his friends are currently living sexually active life, seeming to envy his friends’ ability to do so. Just then, a young innocent lad asked, how?? The young chap turned and told the lad that it isn’t that difficult; all you need to is to identify those girls with a sluttish face, it wouldn’t be that difficult I guess it should be quite easy.

Just then, a charming looking guy looked over, and agreed on that point. Boastfully he said, well his right, it’s really isn’t that hard. There’s once after a party, it was so late in the night, I asked a girl whether she wants to come to my place. The girl didn’t want to go home, so she agreed. As I said, it isn’t that difficult, all you need to do is to start kissing, once you start kissing, whether the girl likes you or she doesn’t, for the next thing she knows. Is that she’s in bed with you. The whole crowd started laughing crazily.

Furiously, I picked up my mug, gulp the whole mug of wine down my throat and slammed the mug on a table. Turned and left, leaving all eyes fixed upon me, sound of laughter was unheard, the silent of the night have returned. I stomped towards the stable; the man feeding Thunder stared speechlessly at me, as I entered the stable. I unleashed Thunder and gave a leapt, and race out of the gate into the peaceful night once again.

What angered me are not the men, what angers me is not because of the conversation they had. What angered me is not because of the sluttish girls, what angered me is not because that there are girls that couldn’t control themselves. What angered me is because girls have lowered their own status, what angered me is because that they are worth more than a toy. What angered me is because that man does not think of the consequences of what they do.

All the girls out there, you are viewed as being a toy. Something that is easy to come, something that brings people pleasure, something that can be thrown aside when you don’t need it. Girls, be awoken, is this what you think you are?? You’re a human too; you don’t worth any lesser than men. Why are you lowering your own status, you can reason, you can think. Why do you want to be a toy?? Why do you want to be anything that worth lesser than a girl?? Girls, make yourself worth more, don’t be something that come easy. I’m not telling any girl to ask to be paid, but to be priceless, someone that couldn’t be bought. Not even able to be bought with promises, not even able to be bought with love, these payments worth nothing. You worth a payment that is priceless, that is a vow of a lifetime, a vow to be with you in all situations that is made in a wedding. This is a vow that can’t be bought; this is a price that cost a life time or more. This is your price, this is true love, you do not worth a heap of flowery words, you do not worth a desert of gold, and these are all too little compared to you.

To be priceless, do not make yourself come easy. Don’t ever try alcoholic drinks; don’t ever exist alone with a man at isolated areas. Go out in mass; never step into a man’s house alone. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get into relationships, but to be able to control yourself. Words and drinks will steal your consciousness, always be on guard do not allow anyone to make you worth lesser. Those that do not think that you worth a girl anymore do not let this continue, this is not the end of the world. Stop letting yourself worth lesser, stop, and you will worth more, continue and you will soon be like the flower by the road. Common and uninteresting, a step on it wouldn’t make a difference.

Men, do you think that you will be unharmed for just playing with toys?? That is where you are wrong. Think about this, you play with toys; others follow, due to temptation and earthly pleasure. Every man you know do the same thing, imagine, what would you feel, if you bought a new shirt and before you can wear it. Your friend have already worn it, dirty it and return it back to you, do you still want it?? Will you still regard the shirt as new?? Do you like the feeling?? You will feel that the shirt do not belong to you anymore. The reason is because no one wants second hand goods; we want goods that are new, goods that belong to you only. What if I tell you that this second hand good could be your future wife?? This is a cycle, what you do will come back to you, stop the cycle, and discourage your friends. Do not let yourself to be tempted, flee from all temptations. If you can’t fight it, don’t even go near it.

I’m telling you that these are all happening around, everywhere and every corner, do not judge anyone by the cover, and do not underestimate any men. For what you know, they might just be the one standing beside you.

posted at 12:35 AM

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